
Time: Friday 23rd of March 2018, 9.30-16.00

Place: University of Tampere, Kalevantie 4, Pinni B Building, Lecture Hall B1096

9.30 Coffee and Tea

10.15 Opening Address
10.20 Milja Suihko: The heated narratives of the frozen conflict in Western Sahara
10.50 Netta Mäkisalo: The Basque conflict: reconciliation in political discourses
11.20 Keynote Speech by Jyrki Ruohomäki

12.00 Lunch

13.15 Keynote Speech by Ville Laakkonen
13.55 Rasmus Bellmer: Migration, heat maps and the myth of privacy

14.25 Coffee and Tea

14.45 Zahra Edalati: Women’s non-governmental organizations in Iran
15.15 Anniina and Oona Hyppölä: Family policy, child welfare system and foster parenting in contemporary Russia
15.45 Closing Address

20.00 After Party: Peace Out 2018! – More information published shortly